Quick Power Breakfast (on the go!): The Frittata

I don’t know about you, but my mornings usually start way too early and always in a rush. That doesn’t change the fact that I NEED a power-packed breakfast to get me through my first five hours of coaching and lifting before I have a moment to breathe/eat. 

My ABSOLUTE favorite fast, easy, can-take-it-on-the-go breakfast is one I’ve been making for years (since grad school, when it was my go to for how CHEAP it is too). It’s the humble frittata!

A frittata is sort of like a crustless quiche or an omelette in nature, is INSANELY easy to make, and you can re-heat it in about a minute in the mornings. It’s filled with vegetables, protein, it’s LEAN, it’s filling, and have I mentioned it’s easy?

The basic recipe

  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Crack open 6-8 eggs and whisk them.
  • Pick your add ins (spinach, onion, mushroom, carrots, zucchini, feta, chicken, cheddar, salt, pepper, WHATEVER YOU WANT OR LIKE). Cut em up small (big fan of grating things like zucchini into mine). Mix them together. 
  • Coat a muffin tin with spray/butter and fill the cups up halfway. 
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes (you know they’re done when you can stick a fork in the middle and it comes out cleanly). Let cool for a bit. 
  • Eat hot, or refrigerate them in a sealed container (heyo, Tupperware for days). You can even freeze these for up to three months (why you would, I don’t know…I eat mine too fast!)
  • I love throwing mine on a whole wheat English muffin to make it portable but you do you. 

There’s really no wrong way to do this (besides forgetting to spray the muffin tin, don’t forget that, it’s no fun). I mean, you could even do this with egg whites (although I don’t know why you’d ignore the yolk like that with all the goodness it holds, but I won’t hold that against you). 

Give it a try, save yourself some time in the mornings. And if you have kids who were like me growing up and ALWAYS late out the door, it saves you some time there too (and THEY can even learn how to make these and come up with their own favorite recipes).

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