I hate packing, but…

The last two weeks, I’ve been packing and cleaning in preparation for our sixth move in the past two years. 
It’s no secret that I despise packing. I don’t mind unpacking and settling in, because it means we’ll be stationary for long enough that yes, I do in fact want to hang some pictures on our walls, and it’s a new beginning. But packing? Packing is another story. Packing is a headache, and I don’t know many people who would disagree with that. 

There is a silver lining in all of the packing, though, that I have to admit I do love. 

Every time we move, rather than pack up and move EVERYTHING, we go through all of our stuff and purge unused items. Old scrap papers that I’ve kept around? Gone, unless they are, in fact, important. Costume jewelry? (Waves bye). And clothing? Yup, if it hasn’t been worn, it either gets tossed or donated (depending on condition). 

Packing and moving is a really good time to decide what belongs in your life still and what is very literally unnecessary weight. It’s a very physical representation of something we should do in every aspect of our lives–learning what to let go of so we can move forward onto the next stage of our lives. 

Maybe it’s a toxic relationship that you need to move on from. Maybe it’s a job that doesn’t offer you much potential for growth that you need to leave to in order to expand your career. Maybe it’s negative thoughts towards yourself that are holding you back from being your best version of yourself. Maybe it’s expectations of what life should be, that are preventing you from appreciating what life is. 

Whatever the case is, maybe it’s time to stop holding onto things that are holding you back, and decide on what’s really worth keeping…even if it takes you two weeks of moving things from one pile to the next before you make that decision. 

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