Less “what’s your why” and more “what’s your HOW”

We all say it.

“What’s your WHY?”

Why are you making these changes to your fitness and dietary routines? Why are you on a fitness journey?

Knowing your why does matter–it’s something to go back to when your motivation dips (it always will). But, to be honest, your why doesn’t matter as much as your how. 

Your how is your road map. Planning out your workouts, your meals, plans for the weeks that you know will get you off of your routine (vacations, exam weeks, big due dates for work, holidays)–knowing what steps you will take is more important than knowing your why.

Try filling this out:

I will work out ___ days a week, at ____ time, doing ____ for my workout. (It helps to have your workouts written down for a month at a time, or, if you prefer classes, having them scheduled in advance and in your calendar).

I will prepare ____ meals for my week, and focus on ____ (a behavior/habit…drinking x amount of water, including an extra vegetable at each meal, stopping eating when I’m 80% full, etc.)

To make these things happen above, I will _____ (go food shopping with this list, schedule classes ahead of time, follow x workout plan).

If I fall off track, I will _____.

I cannot mess this up. Keep going.

Good luck 😉

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